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Privacy Policy 2
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Privacy Policy

This Notice (pursuant to articles 13 D. Lgs. 196/2003 and 13 European Regulation 679/2016) is issued with reference to personal data communicated or otherwise collected during navigation on the website www.infinitytropea.com. The information, however, does not concern websites, pages or online services accessible through hypertext links, referring to resources external to the domain of data controllers.

The holders of the treatment.
The data controller is the company HR TOURIST, with registered office in Viale della Repubblica 77 87100 COSENZA.

Personal data processed.
The website www.infinitytropea.com processes the following personal data:

● navigation data, that is information collected anonymously through cookies installed on the user's computer or mobile device;
● common identity data and sensitive data, such as: name and surname of the user who books, number and identity of the guests - including potential minors-, stay period, stay preferences, even of a sensitive nature, details of the identity card or of another document suitable to certify the identity of the person;
● common contact data, such as: e-mail address and telephone number;
● common payment data, such as tax code and VAT number, credit card numbers and / or other electronic payment instruments;
● Social Media data (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Skype).

It should be noted that, within the structures, a video surveillance system is present, for which the processing of personal data will also includes images.
Legal basis, purpose of the processing and nature of the provision of data.

Personal data will be collected and processed for the following purposes and legal bases:
Personal data are voluntarily given and are aimed to complete the booking by the Company HR TOURIST. The data necessary for the management of the reservation is expressly "requested" by the site. The conferment of the details of the identity card, however, is mandatory pursuant to art. 109 R.D. 773/1931. Failure to provide these data has as a consequence the impossibility to establish or continue the contractual relationship.
The data related to the preferences of stay, however, are treated in order to offer a better level of hospitality at the facility. They are not necessary data and their failure to provide results in the inability to provide the specific services requested.
The legal bases of processing are the legal obligation and the execution of the contract.

Request for information.
Personal data will be used to inform the user on the progress of their reservations and to fulfill any requests regarding the site as well as the services that can be provided through it.
The provision of such data is free and optional. The missed conferment has as consequence the impossibility to evade the user's requests. The legal basis for processing is the execution of the contract or pre-contractual measures.

Site operation, statistical surveys and retargeting cookies.
Personal data relating to navigation are used to facilitate navigation, carry out surveys anonymously in order to improve the site and promote our products online.
The conferment is free and optional. To refuse consent to the installation of any cookies, please have a look at the information provided in the Cookie Policy. The legal basis is the consent of the interested party.

Video surveillance within the structure.
Finally, the Data Controller uses a video surveillance system for which no prior consent is required. Video surveillance is based on the legitimate interest of the owner to pursue purposes of protection of people and property with respect to possible attacks, thefts, robberies, damage, acts of vandalism, fire prevention.

Methods of data processing.
The processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Regulations and any other applicable law and is performed with the aid of electronic, automated, manual. Video surveillance, on the other hand, is performed by avoiding surrounding places and non-relevant details.
The Data Controller will implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risk of processing. The information collected is used in a lawful, relevant and not excessive manner with respect to the purposes pursued.

Categories of subjects to whom data can be communicated.
Personal data relating to booking, request for information, registration to the newsletter service, video surveillance and navigation will be processed by authorized personnel only, who may use it for the exclusive purposes indicated in this statement.

Special offers for a unique stay
Long Stay Offer - Not refundable
Bleisure Trip
Tropea Heritage